PADI Night Diver Course
November 25, 2022

PADI Night Diver Course

Welcome back your diving buddy Tom, who will continue familiarizing you with the diving courses that Dive Base Academy at Sindbad Club offers. Today, Tom shares his own experience of taking PADI Night Diver Course, mainly the unforgettable moments of night diving in the Red Sea.

Tom, you took part in the night diver course last week at the Dive Base Academy in Hurghada. What can you tell us about diving during the night?

There is something mystique about diving after sunset. It is as if the Red Sea has changed into an entirely new world with the exciting surprises in store for you during night diving!

Can you give us few examples?

After the sunset when the sunrays are no longer reflected on the water, it looks like it has changed into different colours. Nightlife varies spectacularly in the beam of your torch. Fish that are not active during the day come to life during the night, even taking on different colour patterns themselves.

When can you participate in the PADI Night Diver Course?

This is a speciality course. You need to be at least 12 years of age and have a PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers certificate or higher. Of course, you also need parental approval when you are under aged.

Tom, please, tell us what did you learn during the course.

During this course with Dive Base Academy, you learn how to focus on the beam of your torch. The instructors teach you to have an eye for details that would probably not attract your attention during the day. 

In addition, I have learned to navigate at night from entries to exits and to communicate in darker surroundings to avoid disorientation. I now also know how to handle my light and maintain adequate buoyancy at the same time. 

What impressed you the most?

The underwater scene changes significantly as diurnal creatures retire and nocturnal organisms emerge. You tend to be more focused on the details since the area lit by your flashlight is limited. Thus, you are able to see and identify beautiful fish, plants and invertebrates that you would probably overlook during the day. The colours are so different and more vibrant because the water does not take away any of the light spectra at night. Thus, during the night diving you will feel your pace underwater slows down letting you concentrate on every single detail around you.

Tom, do you need any specific attributes during PADI Night Diver Course?

Obviously, the main tool you need is a torch. A UV flashlight would be your best choice because it adds an unexpected twist to a regular night dive. It is as if the underwater world around you is glowing in the dark with fluorescent effects.