PADI Bubblemaker Course
November 27, 2022

PADI Bubblemaker Course

Welcome back your diving buddy Tom, who will continue familiarizing you with the diving courses that Dive Base Academy at Sindbad Club offers. Today, Tom shares his children’s experience of taking PADI Bubblemaker Course, which helps kids to develop a healthier lifestyle, social and interactive skills as well as to contribute to gaining their confidence.

Out of curiosity, do you have any kids by chance, Tom?

How nice of you to ask! Indeed, I’m married with two children, Oscar and Angela. They are twins!

Do they share your love for diving?

Well, they love water, that's for sure! It is probably no surprise that my wife and I treated them to a special birthday present. During our holidays at Sindbad Club in Hurghada, they took part in the PADI Bubblemaker course.

How did your kids qualify for PADI Bubblemaker? 

To enroll your kids for the Bubblemaker course, they must be at least eight years old. As a parent, you know best if your child is confident enough, even with no prior experience. My wife and I stayed with them during the course since the Dive Base Academy appreciates parental presence during the Bubblemaker sessions.

What do kids learn during the sessions?

They playfully learn to make bubbles by exhaling and inhaling underwater, not in open water, but in shallow and confined swimming pool water. The pool's security and their parents' presence make them feel safer. The kids will have their diving gear and will, step by step, learn the principles of inhaling and exhaling underwater. 

Kids become acquainted with scuba gear during spontaneous and relaxed sessions. You will learn to clear your mask, meaning the instructor will teach your children how to get rid of excess water in their show. After the course, your regulator will no longer hold any secrets. Of course, a special gear is used to reflect the size and strength of the kids.

Would you recommend the PADI Bubblemaker course to other parents and kids?

Oh, for sure! Bubblemaker is more than just fun! It can help kids have a healthier lifestyle. It helps them develop social and interactive skills as well as contribute to gaining confidence.

After completing the course, your kids will be proud owners of their Bubblemaker certification!